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Killa Season 2: The Purge

  Killa Season II

  The Purge


  Sa’id Salaam

  Purge/PerJ/ 1. Make physically or spiritually clean. 2. Remove by cleaning. 3. Rid an organization, party, society of persons regarded as undesirable. 4. Empty bowels.


  “Who are you?” Doc demanded to know from the unknown stranger as he walked into the room. He was already hot about being snubbed by Killa and wasn’t in the mood for company.

  “I am the Chief of Police in San Jose, Costa Rica. I believe you know my daughter,” the chief replied in a dangerous tone as he produced the jar containing her severed head from the bag that he carried. The bag also contained tools for torture and murder. It was about to get very ugly in there.

  “Hey that’s mine!” Doc shouted upon seeing the head in the jar.

  “Huh?” the cop asked in confusion. “This is my daughter!”

  “Well your daughter had such good head that I decided to keep it,” the doctor shot back.

  The chief was furious and crossed the room to attack. Dropping the bag, which contained knives, scissors, duct tape, etc…all the party favors a killer needs, the furious father attacked from pure rage.

  Doc was just plain crazy so it was a good match. The two fifty something year old men punched, kicked, and clawed to the death. It was evenly matched until the chief made a lunge for the bag. Doc was smart enough to know the bag contained his death and went for it too. They fought over the contents until one came up with a knife.

  “Die!” Doc screamed as he plunged the huge blade into the man’s mouth. It passed through his tonsils, throat, and brain before exiting out the back of his head. His eyes fluttered good bye as his life slipped away.

  Doc let go of the knife and watched the man fall to the floor. He was covered in blood from his head down to his pink erection. Murder had that effect on him; it always turned him on. The pretty, black woman who lured him there would have been nice, but she was gone already. Luckily, Bonita was still there; part of her anyway.

  “Well hello Miss Bonita,” Doc smiled flirtatiously at the head in the jar. They had a one-sided conversation that ended up with her agreeing to give him some head; since that was actually all she had left anyway. She didn’t really say yes, but she didn’t actually say no either. Dead people tend to be indecisive like that.

  Doc removed her head from the jar and inserted his penis into her open mouth. With his nasty ass. Once he finished he put it back in the solution to keep it preserved. Then he showered, dressed, and prepared to embark on his next mission in life.

  “Sold me out huh buddy?” he asked rhetorically to Killa, who was no longer present. “I’ll show you who the real killer is. I’m coming for you now!”

  Chapter 1

  “I’m gon’ get some pussy. I’m gon’ get some pus-say!” Killa sang as he danced his way to the bedroom.

  He had just put little Rico down for a nap and Xavier had fallen asleep playing a video game. Both kids asleep at the same time meant one thing…

  “I’m gon’ get some pussy! Pus-say, oh yeah!”

  “Yes you are mister man,” Sincerity said as he entered the bedroom and spread her legs so he could enter her as well.

  Killa dove face first between her thick thighs. The second his tongue touched her love button one of his phones began to ring. Most phones would get ignored at a time like this. You ever see a honeybee stop eating honey just because a phone rang? No, you have not!

  It wasn’t just any phone though. It was the satellite phone used only by family. When it rang, the world stopped spinning. His old business phone used to have that effect, but it hadn’t rung since he blew Caspar into bite-sized pieces. He meant that literally since birds had come and gotten chunks to take back to their young.

  The phone was supposed to be used for emergencies only but lately Grandma Diedra had lost track of what an actual emergency was. For instance, the day before she used it because the manager at the grocery store had taken cheese off sale. Her beloved granddaughter was coming home from school and she wanted to cook her famous macaroni and cheese.

  “So what do you want me to do?” Killa had asked in confusion.

  “Kill him,” the old lady grumbled. It was a sign. A neon billboard sign that it was time to go. Time to pack up his family and leave the country.

  Killa and his Dope Boy cousin had purchased a nice plot of land in South America. Houses for the entire family were being built right on the beach. It was time to retire and live. Only question was if they would live long enough to make it down there.

  “Hello?” Killa answered in a ‘what now’ tone of voice that Diedra noticed immediately. She did raise him after all.

  “Don’t hello me! I need you to come over here right this minute!” she huffed indignantly.

  “What the mailman put too many circulars in your box? Or did the bus driver say good morning after noon?” he teased.

  “No, somebody shot my taxi up! Almost killed my grandbaby and me. Poor girl over here shaking like a leaf,” Diedra relayed. She grossly misunderstood Cameisha’s shaking. The girl was mad not scared. She wanted to march up the block and put a bullet in E-man’s fitted cap for shooting at her.

  “I’m on my way,” he said and hung up.

  Sincerity watched curious, as he got dressed and armed. “What’s wrong baby?” she moaned and sat up straight.

  “Somebody shot my grandmother’s car up!” he replied.

  “Yolo?” Sincerity shrieked in terror. The baby-cooking lunatic still unnerved her. She had been right there in her apartment holding her newborn.

  “I told you she’s dead. I shot her twice in the head.”

  “Oh yeah, after you fucked her,” Sincerity spat back crossing her arms over her chest and twisting her face.

  “Well you asked…” he reminded her.

  She did, but she didn’t expect him to say yes. One thing about Killa was he was brutally honest. Don’t ask him something if you don’t want to know.

  “Anyway, her and my niece are fine,” he said over his shoulder as he left out.

  Killa casually crossed the courtyard with his gun in hand. It’s not like anyone was going to call the cops on him. It’s not like the cops were coming if someone did. Hell, even if they did come, they would have left him alone once they saw him. Killa only killed bad people and ain’t nothing wrong with that.

  “Are you ok?” he asked as he inspected his grandmother for bullet holes.

  “Yes, but that sweet man who drove us…” Diedra mourned.

  Cameisha stood up, twisted her lips, and cocked her head. Grandma got a kick out of watching them size each other up.

  “Xavier this is Cameisha. Cameisha, say hello to your uncle,” she demanded.

  “Hello to my uncle,” she spat sarcastically. Killa stifled a smile since he knew what was eating her. Sincerity had told him all about the feisty girl. Grandma was about to check the rude behavior until she spoke up in explanation. “I can take care of myself!”

  “I’m sure,” he said laughing at her mini-tantrum. The little murder-mami face was a good look, but… “I got this. Who was it?”

  Cameisha crossed her arms defiantly and clenched her lips. It was body language for “I ain’t telling you shit!” As soon as the sun set, she was walking two blocks over and putting two in his block head.

  “You better tell him!” Diedra hissed. Both grandkids in attendance grew wide-eyed at the tone they knew so well.

  “E-man, from 164th,” she said stomping her foot and getting another stern look from Grandma.

  “That bi…um…dude shooting at people,” he wondered aloud. He and E-man grew up at the same time in that same section of the
Bronx. That technically made them allies, but they were never friends.

  Most dudes hated the pretty boy who got all the girls, simply because he was a pretty boy who got all the girls. It was almost as if he was designated to pop all cherries in High Bridge. The whole hood got his sloppy seconds.

  Killa hated him behind one particular cherry. He had the biggest crush on Puerto Rican Marcia on Davidson but was so busy trapping and busting guns, he couldn’t get up with her. By the time he made time, it was too late. She was knocked up by E-man. Killa was crushed. He couldn’t kill him for that, but he could kill him for what he had now done.

  “And just why is he shooting at you two?” he wondered.

  Again, Cameisha paused until prodded by Grandma. Killa tried not to laugh as she laid out the whole story. Diedra snickered into her handkerchief at the tale of robbery and revenge. The story ended with his grandmother being shot at which meant E-man was getting shot.

  “A’ight, I’ll go holla at him,” Killa announced. What that meant, was go murder him. He kissed his grandma and traded another once over with his niece. They both turned their noses up at each other like the other stank. It was some killer shit that killers do.

  Killa had just entered the stairwell when he heard the apartment door open and close. That sound was quickly followed by quick steps in his direction. Running up behind Killa was usually a closed casket affair but he knew who it was. Expected her actually.

  “Wait for it…” he laughed as she got closer, “…no!”

  “Come on Unc, please! I should have murdered him last time. Please let me kill him,” Cameisha pleaded sounding like a kid. Except she was begging to kill someone instead of asking for a Happy Meal. Then her big brown eyes filled with tears and she broke down into sobs.

  “I lost my daddy and my granddaddy, please, please, please,” she wailed desperately.

  Killa didn’t buy it for a second. “Fuck outta here,” he cracked up at the transparent display.

  Just as quickly, the waterworks stopped and she regained her composure. “Come on Unc, this is my beef. Let me handle it. I was taught by the best, let me finish this nigga!”

  “A’ight, yo,” Killa relented, moved by the reference of his beloved uncle. He was the best and if he taught her, she could handle it. “Just don’t tell Grandma!”


  The murder had to wait until after 10pm since that was Diedra’s bedtime. Cameisha donned her bag lady camouflage and crept outside to meet her uncle.

  “Really! You just gon’ walk around like that?” she asked seeing the fifty caliber Desert Eagle in his hand.

  “Who’s gonna stop me?” he asked. No one with that thing in his hand. “A bag lady huh?”

  “Shit works. Don’t believe me, dig Tovia up, and ask her.”

  “I’ll just take your word for it. Check it, walk up University, and I’ll flush them to you. Be ready because they’ll be coming fast.”

  “Flush ‘em to me? Who you supposed to be?” Meisha laughed.

  “I’m the boogie man. You ain’t heard?” he replied seriously and turned on his heels. Killa marched over to Ogden Ave and bust a right towards 164th Street.

  A police car cruising up the block cruised right by the armed man. The cops turned their heads as if they didn’t even seen him and he kept right on marching. He was spotted again by a look out once he got to 165th. The kid took off running to alert the boss.

  “Killa is coming!” he screamed as he burst through the doors of the pizza shop that served as E-man's headquarters. The words were still in the air when he ran out just as quickly.

  A few more drug dealers scattered in all directions. Those closest to E-man stayed as long as he did. He was the boss after all.

  “Who? A-yo fuck Killa! I’m a killer. He come up in here and I’ma slap a spark out his ass,” E-man declared while standing. He took one last bite of pizza and announced, “I was ‘bout to leave anyway.”

  As soon as he reached the sidewalk, he came face to face with Killa. Only, he didn’t slap a spark out of him, didn’t say fuck him to his face either. Instead, he screamed like a bitch and ran like a girl. When the boss took off running his workers did too. Right towards the bag lady.

  The dirty bag lady smiled a bright, clean smile when she saw her target rushing towards her. The cans in her bag rattled loudly as she dug inside. She waited until he was right on top of her before pulling the Mac-10. A three shot burst into his torso made him dance causing his cronies to come to a skidding halt and turn back around.

  “This kid,” Killa sighed when his niece bent over to talk to the wounded man. He couldn’t hear what was being said and couldn’t worry about it. Not with his crew running straight in his direction. He raised the cannon and fired off four quick shots. The men looked like acrobats as the heavy slugs had them turning flips and somersaults.

  Cameisha finished her talk and put six in his face. Both killers left the same way they came, and met back in the project’s courtyard.

  “See! I told you I was dope!” Meisha cheered and raised her hand for a high five.

  Killa left her hanging in mid-air. “Amateur,” he chuckled and walked off. She was dope, but cocky. If she didn’t shake that trait, it would be her downfall. And in her profession, it meant the difference between an open or closed casket.


  “Did you guys have fun?” Sincerity asked in just above a whisper when Killa returned. That meant the kids were asleep and that meant it was about to go down.

  “Huh?” he asked since her nakedness stole his sense of hearing. He wouldn’t need it anyway.

  Sincerity slinked over and knelt before her king. She moved his erection from his pants and into her mouth before the air could touch it. The couple flipped into 69 as if performing a ballet. They took each other orally right to the brink and stopped.

  She mounted him like he was a horse. A short ride later, they both arrived at their destination. Both were too tired to move so neither did. They fell asleep right there in that position on the plush living room carpet. That’s also where they woke up early the next morning. Awoke to little Xavier’s cartoons and him right above them on the sofa.

  Chapter 2

  “What the fuck?” Killa asked the ringing phone that should not have been ringing. The only people who had the number were dead and he was almost certain they didn’t have phones where he sent them. Casper was in a hundred pieces, so no way he was calling.

  “What’s wrong honey?” Sincerity asked seeing the mask of confusion on his face. If she didn’t know the fearless man as well as she did, she would have sworn she saw fear in his brown eyes.

  “Nothing,” he said regaining that exclusive South Bronx swagger as he picked up the phone and casually took the call.

  “Hey bae. It’s me, Yolo, or should I say yo’ baby mama? How crazy is it that since the last time we saw each other we were trying to kill each other. And we ended up doing it,” Yolo giggled, paused, and then continued. “So anyway I was watching Animal Planet, Shark Week is my favorite, but they had big cats. I wish I could have a lion. Anyway, I learned when a lion takes over a pride, that’s a pack of lions you know? I didn’t know that, but anyway, when a lion takes over a pride he kills all the baby lions so the girl lions will go into heat and only have little lions from his loins. Lion, loins, that’s funny…”

  “You’re dead…I killed you,” Killa said recalling firing into the back of her head, not once, but twice. Right after he came in her.

  “Nuh uh, my wig was bulletproof silly! Anyway I’m in Philly waiting on little Xavier so I can kill him. Then Rico and his mama, so our child and I will be your only concern. No baby mama drama for us.”

  “Listen” Killa began slowly and calmly. He knew full well he was dealing with a lunatic. Sure, he killed a bunch of people, but this chick was fucking crazy. “I need to meet you so we can…”

  “Oops, gotta go! Talk to you later, bye-bye,” Yolo sang and clicked off the line. She was only midwa
y through Jersey and still had a ways to go to get to Philly.

  Killa rushed from the apartment with nothing more than a cell phone and pistol. Divine decree cleared his path of roadblocks and cops as he raced south towards Philadelphia. He arrived in record time, which was just in time to see his beloved first born murdered in front of his eyes.

  Little Xavier had just stepped out of the schoolhouse when his father came to a skidding stop. The father smiled at his son as he approached and got a friendly smile in return. That’s when Yolo pulled the trigger exploding his head with a high-powered slug.

  “No!” Killa roared like a lion at the sight of his dead cub at his feet. A curious crowd began to gather instantly cutting the wanted man’s mourning short. He had no choice but to slip away once the sirens drew near.

  Killa tapped out a quick text that sent his family back into hiding. Grandma Diedra met Sincerity and sons in the courtyard and they disappeared to one of Killa’s many safe houses. Meanwhile, he shot over to Germantown where he kept a rented room.

  His plan was to plot his next move, but images of his son’s murder kept replaying in his mind like a bad movie. He could still see the smile on his face as he left this world for the next. His only solace was knowing that his innocent child was in paradise with the prophets.

  Killa sat for hours in the window watching life unfold on the street below. The call to prayer resonated from a nearby masjid and snapped him from his thoughts. He nodded his head in agreement at the phrase God is the greatest. Even though he didn’t speak Arabic, the heart translates the phrase and brings peace. It was one of the few times in his violent life that he was at peace. However, it wouldn’t last.

  “Bitch!” a loud-mouthed thug screamed as he slapped his cute girlfriend to the concrete sidewalk. The blow obviously wasn’t abusive enough, so he delivered a short kick to her midsection.

  “Not your business,” Killa told himself out loud, as he shook his head at the sad display.

  It was sad on so many levels. One, because it wasn't the first time. No, G-Money had been whipping Krystol’s ass for quite some time. They both had seen so much domestic abuse they both considered it to be the norm. Killa would have minded his business if G-Money hadn’t opened his mouth and revealed the reason for the beating.