Killa Season 2: The Purge Read online

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  “Let’s see what you working with. I ain’t got all night,” Sincerity insisted. To prove her point, she peeled off her painted on jeans. She had a head start but he still won the race to get naked.

  “Dayum!” Shane shouted when he saw Sincerity completely naked. The two kids she bore spread her hips like strawberry jam. Her breasts were heavy with large brown nipples topping them off. He marveled at her round ass as she bent over to place her clothes in the hallway.

  “So they won’t get any blood on them,” she explained.

  “Blood?” Shane asked but didn’t like the answer.

  For a reply, she popped him right in his mouth. He opened his mouth to ask another question and got hit again. Sincerity wore brass knuckles on each hand and threw combinations that would make her eccentric father proud. She added knees and elbows as well adding insult to injury.

  “Fucking snitch! Lil’ BX doing time for your ass!” she asserted as she assaulted him.

  He collapsed under the beating and she went with him. She beat him a full minute after he stopped breathing. Once the deed was done, she used his shower to clean his blood off and rushed home.

  “Have fun?” Killa asked knowingly. He knew she would and knew what that meant. That’s why he was butt naked on the sofa.

  “That shit got me so hot!” Sincerity screamed as she shed her clothing. “Am I supposed to be this turned on?”

  “It happens,” he shrugged stroking himself erect as she stripped.

  Sincerity rushed over to him and mounted him like a horse. As soon as he wiggled inside her, she rode off in search of a nut. She grudge fucked Killa until she found what she was looking for.

  “Mutha…fucka!” she shouted when she came harder than any other time in her life. She fell off to the side panting to catch her breath.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Killa laughed. She had gotten a nut and was ready to go to sleep. He acted as if he’d never done it to her.

  Killa flipped the spent woman face down, ass up, and slid back inside her. She was too exhausted to throw it back, but didn’t need to. A few chops later Killa was done himself.

  “Muthafucka!” he agreed as he bust a nut of his own.

  Once again, the couple fell asleep right there on the spot. Once again, Xavier was watching cartoons when they awoke.

  Chapter 18

  “Ok, ok, ok just be calm,” Yolo instructed herself as she got up the nerve to make the call. She went through this every day and every day she chickened out. Not today, today was the day. She took a deep breath, held her chin high, and picked up the phone.

  Yolo turned on the black mob phone and entered the security codes. With the security activated, the signal was untraceable. It would be routed all over the globe, switching networks every few seconds. Without the code, it was just a regular cell phone.

  She checked herself in the mirror once more before dialing. Her hair was cute and her lips were glossed to a shine. Killa couldn’t see her, but she still wanted to be cute for him. She was cute too with that healthy pregnant glow women get.


  Killa stared at the ringing phone for a full minute just to make sure it was real. He had been hoping to get a call that could be traced so he could find the lunatic who murdered his son. He quickly activated the trace app and took the call. “Yes?”

  “Hey bae! It’s me…Yolo,” she sang happily when the rather calm voice took the call. “Still mad at me?”

  “Mad? Nah, why would I be?” he asked as he watched the signal jump from continent to continent. Have it tell it she was calling from Iraq.

  “Miss me?” she asked hopefully. So hopefully that she crossed her fingers and held her breath as she waited for an answer.

  “Of course I miss you. I want to see you,” he lied causing Sincerity to pop straight up in bed.

  “Miss who? Who you wanna see?” Sincerity barked as he scrambled to cover the receiver with his hand.

  “Chill ma! It’s Jake from State Farm,” Killa quipped. It was too late though because the crazy chick had heard her.

  “Ugh! I see that bitch is with you. Dang, I should have killed her when I had the chance. I have to kill her and the kids so we can be together…I love you, bye-bye,” Yolo pouted and hung up.


  “Mm hmm…that must be the baby daddy got you all in your feelings,” Nurse Marquita observed catching the tail end of the conversation.

  The observant lady knew something was special about that phone. Yolo kept it charged but never used it. No calls, no text, no games, likes, or pokes. Just fully charged and always off.

  “His ass sitting up with some chick. Once I have his baby I’ll have him all to myself,” she said foolishly.

  It was the baby mama mantra recited by a million baby mamas before her. It proved true for about twelve of them. Killa was catching some flack at the same time from his woman.


  “Yolo huh? Yo’ ass!” she huffed in frustration. It was bad enough he fucked the lunatic but did he have to knock her up?

  “Yeah and I could have gotten her to meet me somewhere until you fucked it up,” he shot back with his own frustration. “Damn jealous girlfriend shit!”

  “What shit? Nigga I am a jealous girlfriend and when we catch up to that bitch I’m going to be the one to twist her shit!”

  “She’s a little tougher than Shane,” he laughed. “Trust me, you ain’t ready for Yolo!”


  “You sure you don’t want me to come? I don’t mind you know. Don’t be shy with me, I brought you into the world,” Marquita fussed as Yolo prepared for her prenatal visit.

  “I’m a big girl,” she sulked. Yolo did not like being poked and prodded by doctors. She wanted a healthy child though so she manned up.

  “Well, ok. I’m going to the market, you need anything?” the sweet lady offered.

  Yolo smiled warmly at the only mother she’d ever known and declined. She knew the woman would buy her favorites anyway.

  “See you later,” she said kissing the woman’s cheek. The two left in separate cars, heading in separate directions.

  “Yolo Jackson,” Yolo announced at the women’s clinic reception desk.

  “What a pretty name,” the pretty receptionist complimented as she searched for her appointment. “You’re a little early, but we had a cancellation so you can be seen now if you’d like.

  “I like,” she said slightly sarcastically.

  The woman ignored it and directed her to an examination room. Yolo followed the directions and entered the crisp room. She saw the fresh gown on the exam table and changed into it but left her panties on. Those could wait for the doctor. As soon as she got on the table, the door opened and in walked a rather young black man.

  “I’m supposed to have a woman doctor,” she protested.

  “She is. I’m the nurse. Just gotta check you out before she comes. Feet up please,” he replied.

  “Man,” Yolo whined as she complied and put her feet in the stirrups. The gown on her knees prevented her from seeing exactly what he was doing down there. Good thing too.

  “Oh you left your panties on,” he said and pulled them aside. He snapped a few pictures with his phone. He then used two fingers to part her labia to get a little pink in his pictures. Then pushed his luck by pushing a finger inside. “Damn you tight!”

  “Excuse me?” Yolo shot back indignantly. She had never heard a doctor or nurse say anything like that before.

  “Um…I mean everything looks um… yeah the doctor will be in shortly,” he stammered and rushed from the room.

  A few minutes later the lady doctor waltzed in. “Oh?” she said surprised to see the patient in the stirrups. “We’re just doing an ultrasound today so no need for that. You actually could have kept your clothes on.”

  “But the nurse…”

  “Nurse! I wish I could afford a nurse. It’s just Jen the receptionist, Jason the janitor, and me,” she explained.

  “Sho nuff?
” Yolo said realizing she had been duped and molested. She wasn’t even mad. If fact, she was quite pleased. Murder always made her giddy. It was just what the fake doctor ordered. Well, nurse and that’s exactly what he was about to get. Murdered.

  “Would you like to know the sex of your baby?” the doctor asked once she determined it on the screen.

  “Um…no,” she decided. She wanted to be surprised so she could call Killa and announce ‘It’s a boy’ or ‘It’s a girl.’

  “Everything looks great. Mom and baby are both healthy. Make sure you take your vitamins and…” the doctor rambled as Yolo got dressed.

  “Thanks doc,” she said appreciatively as she dressed. She missed most of the instructions thinking about her date for the evening.

  “Do you have any hobbies? Something you like to do for fun?” the doctor asked.

  “I do!” Yolo beamed happily. She knew better than to say what.

  “Well make sure to do it. As much as possible. Happy moms make happy babies.”

  Yolo stepped out of the exam room and looked left, right, and left again like she was trying to cross the street. Except she wasn’t looking for cars, she wanted to find that janitor.

  Jason came out of the janitor’s closet winded from busting a nut. They didn’t get too many young black women in the clinic so he couldn’t wait to get off until he got off. He went into his supply room and used the medical lubricant to masturbate. He flinched when he saw Yolo like he was about to run. He was until she flashed her pretty smile at him. He took the bait, smiled back, and approached.

  “I think you tricked me,” Yolo giggled like it was no big deal. Like she wasn’t going to brutally murder the man for violating her.

  “I um, I’m going to school to be a doctor too. I just be tryna get some practice,” he lied. Jason was going to upload those pictures to a pervert site dedicated to stolen crotch shots. A community of freaks took up skirt and under table pictures of women and shared them online.

  “Oh! Ok, that makes sense. Why don’t I come to your house so you can take your time and get some practice?” she offered sweetly. Yolo was helpful like that.

  “Really? Yes, hell yes!” Jason cheered. He quickly scribbled his address and skipped happily down the hall. The rest of the day dragged by slowly. Luckily, it was his last day on the job. Last day on the planet.


  Jason spent the last few hours of his life getting his little apartment tidy for his murderer. He vacuumed, dusted, and jacked off once more. Just to take the edge off if he got lucky. He didn’t get lucky too often and wanted it to last. His luck with real women was pretty bad but he was quite the stud.

  He wasn’t the only one masturbating. Yolo had been tortured by her two fetishes lately. For one, she hadn’t bust a nut in months and was overdue. She played with her love button until the dam broke.

  “Damn!” she exclaimed at the strong orgasm that made her legs quiver. That was one thirst quenched. Now she needed to murder something. Good thing for her some pervert popped into her life and offered his for sacrifice.

  “Eenie, meenie, minee…moe,” the childish murderer sang as she selected a murder weapon. A cute .22 revolver got the call and was placed in her purse.

  “And just where are you going young lady?” Marquita wanted to know. “All gussied up.”

  “I’m not,” Yolo giggled. The cute, knee length skirt and sandals were far from gussied up. Especially with the baby bump sticking out in the middle.

  “Well at least I don’t have to worry about you getting pregnant,” she huffed. Marquita lifted her face to accept the kiss on her cheek. A smile spread on her face as she watched the girl depart.

  Jason paced like a caged lion as he waited for his date. He planned to brag far and wide if he got some ass. Of course, he would leave out the pregnant part. The pictures he’d uploaded already were a big hit with his fellow perverts. He hoped to have a few more to share later.

  “Yes!” he cheered pumping his fist at the sound of his doorbell. He got a little lightheaded from the excitement and sudden erection. When he pulled it open, there stood Yolo.

  “I hope you know how to eat pussy,” she announced as she rushed past him. She marched straight over to the sofa and sat back.

  “I, I, I,” he stuttered when she pulled her skirt up and cocked her legs on the coffee table.

  “I, I, I hope that’s a y, y, yes,” she snapped as she pulled off her moist panties.

  He was no pro, but eating pussy is pretty much self-explanatory. Her hisses and moans guided him along. Soon, he was twirling his tongue like a champ. Yolo tried her best to fight off an orgasm, which only made it worse.

  “Fuck!” she screamed as the ecstasy wracked her body. Jason clamped down on that clam and sucked out the gravy.

  “So, how’d I do?” he asked confidently as she still shook.

  “Great! So good that I almost hate to do this,” she replied as she dug in her purse.

  “Do what?” Jason asked and got shot in his face for a reply.

  The impact of the bullet knocked Jason onto the table. He rolled off and tried to make a run for it but a calf shot dropped him. When he stuck his hand up to block, he got shoot through it.

  “I haven’t…killed anyone…in months,” Yolo said between shots to his face and neck. By the time the gun was empty, so was his body. His soul seeped out one of the many bullet holes leaving the empty shell behind.

  “That was fun, but I need to see my baby,” Yolo pouted. She decided to take a trip into the city to see if she could at least see him. Decided to bring a rifle too just in case she saw his baby mama or kids.

  Yolo cleaned up traces of her being in Jason’s apartment as best she could. She did bust a nut in his mouth, but he could keep that. Before she left, she took a few picture of him and uploaded them to the site. The caption read, ‘Hot Date.’

  Chapter 19

  Killa and Sincerity had just completed one of their sexual triathlons. It consisted of a mutually beneficial 69, followed by a pony ride, and wrapped up face to face with her ankles on his shoulders. They crossed the finish line within seconds of each other.

  It was time to bask in the after sex glow. For Sincerity, it meant caressing her man while humming Mary J. Blige tunes. Meanwhile, Killa hit a blunt from the ashtray. He took a deep pull and held the smoke so the THC could seep into his blood stream. When he exhaled, he blew thick smoke rings and watched them waft towards the ceiling. It was all good until a commotion outside in the courtyard interrupted the night.

  “A-yo!” Y’all muthafuckas get up and hear what we got to say!” a young teen demanded from atop the playground monkey bars.

  Killa rolled out of bed and went to the window to investigate with his nosey ass. He wasn’t the only one though. Half of the residents had filled their windows to hear the proclamation.

  Ju-Ju waited on his audience before he continued. A group of ten more boys, barely in their teens milled around ready to co-sign his every word. Killa laughed at the mean mugs on their hairless boyish faces.

  “Yo we the N.G.G. and this is our world! If you wanna live in it, you gotta pay. Sell weed, coke, pussy, you gotta pay. Use the elevators you gotta pay. You live in these projects you gotta pay.”

  “Is he high?” Killa asked with a frown. “The fuck is an N.G.G.?”

  “Yes he is high but he’s serious!” Sincerity lamented. “They call themselves the New Generation Goons.”

  “Goons? My old gang? Fuck they talking about, we were good kids, fucking boy scouts,” he recalled fondly.

  “Boy stop,” Sincerity laughed. Cracked up actually at the outlandish and inaccurate recollection. “I was here, remember?”

  “Ok yeah we sold a little drugs, killed a few people, but we didn’t fuck with civilians,” he replied.

  That statement was almost true except they sold a lot of drugs and killed a lot of people. Only they did not fuck civilians. Getting robbed is a hazard of the drug trade. It’s expected and ac
cepted but regular people were off limits. That was written in stone and respected.

  “Well these little fucks don’t respect nothing or no one. They getting worse and worse since little Self left,” she explained.

  Explained correctly too. Ever since Self went to Atlanta with Cameisha, the gang he once led lost direction. They lost their hustle and got lazy. They were definitely new generation goons. Too lazy to sell drugs so they robbed the addicts before they could spend with the dealers. That meant the dealers had to pay sales tax to allow the sales to come through.

  The weed man had to donate free weed and the crack whores chipped in free blowjobs. Papi at the bodega had to turn a blind eye to the little bastards when they pillaged his aisles. If not, out came the guns and gone went the day’s receipts. Better to let the fuckers steal beer and food. They had real fun looting and terrorizing the projects. Real fun indeed until along came a Killa.

  “I guess I better go talk to him huh?” Killa sighed billowing weed smoke.

  “Not him, them,” Sincerity hissed. She was sick of the feral boys and wanted them gone. All of them.

  “Nah, them dudes is followers. Trust me, they ain’t tryna follow their leader where he’s going,” he surmised. Sincerity gave him a hug that led to a kiss that led to round two.


  “So I hear you got rats,” Killa said as he took a seat next to Nitty on the park bench. He turned his nose up at the extended blunt and waved it off. Nitty shrugged like ‘more for me.’

  “Little rat bastards you mean,” he griped and hit the blunt again. “These little fuckas getting outta hand.”

  On cue, several of the youngsters chased a man into the courtyard and beat him. Luckily, the kids were too light in the ass to do any damage. It was just too many to fight off, so he covered up and took their punches and kicks.

  “Let me catch you on the elevator again without paying tax,” Ju-Ju warned explaining the infraction he was getting beat for. Once they finished, he turned and locked eyes with Killa. The boy cocked his head arrogantly.