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Dope Girl: The Beginning Page 3
Dope Girl: The Beginning Read online
Page 3
Well, perhaps target isn’t the best term. Targets just stand there and take shots, Tywanna fought back. She returned fire when fired on.
As soon as she saw Bessie enter the cafeteria and scan the room she knew she was looking for her. She had just sat down with her breakfast tray and was desperately trying to eat before the inevitable fight.
“There she is,” Bessie growled with a grin as she spotted Tywanna blowing on her hot grits. Ema-mae sadly fell in step behind her as she marched over.
Tywanna sensed the danger and alternated between looking at her and concentrating on her food. Last night there wasn’t a scrap of food in the house, so this was it. Taking her eyes off the bully caused her to lose track of her progress.
The jar hissed loudly when Bessie un-capped it and began filling the room with funk. She was on top of the girl the next time she looked up.
“Here you go!” Bessie laughed as she tossed the disgusting cocktail in her face just as she put a spoonful of grits in her mouth.
The putrid fluid went into her eyes, nose and worse of all, her opened mouth. Only a small number of students actually laughed at the disgusting act. Most fumed in silence and sorrow for the victim. Most had themselves had been victims to Big Bessie a time or two.
Tywanna, meanwhile was in shock. The smell and taste was so offensive it took her breath away. Her clothes and hair rapidly soaked up the foul fluid.
Bessie braced herself for a fight but it never came. Instead, the unexpected happened and Tywanna began to cry. She broke down in sobs and heaves, at not only this act of abuse, but for all of them she had endured.
A shocked Big Bessie watched in wonderment as the ferocious fighter bawled. She turned away in satisfaction assuming she had broken the strong willed girl. Nothing could have been further away from the truth.
The truth was that while Tywanna spat the piss, shit and tobacco saliva from her mouth, she also made a vow. She was gonna kill Bessie, and soon.
Tywanna only owned two pairs of pants and three shirts. She walked briskly to her house hoping to bathe, change and get back to school before lunch. Lunch was the focus now that her breakfast had been spoiled, and chances were there would be no dinner.
When she rushed into her home there was Kathy doing what Kathy did most.
“GIRBAHJKNA!” she screamed, but a man’s dick was too far down her throat to enunciate. She removed it from her tonsils before trying again. “Get out of here, you see mama’s busy!”
It still took the stunned child a second to react. She had long seen her mother having sex with men, but this one had his thing in her mouth.
‘Why in the world would he do that?’ she wondered.
“Get out and take a bath you stink!” Kathy yelled alerting her to the fact that she hadn’t moved.
With the house off limits Tywanna’s only choice was the creek. There she could bathe and wash her clothes out. By the time she made it back to the school house her clothes would be dry courtesy of the hot Mississippi sun.
Tywanna scanned the area several times thoroughly before she stripped naked. Just as she began to wash her clothes, a man’s voice called out behind her.
“Hey now, what we got here?” He asked drawing closer. “You Kathy’s daughter, damn you got fine!”
Maurice remembered her from his visits to the house years earlier. He was one of the grown men who liked to masturbate while looking at a child. Nothing had changed and out came his penis.
“Just like old times,” he cheered as he began to pull on himself.
Tywanna tried to retreat upstream but he followed her whooping and hollering the whole way. His intention was to humiliate her along with catching a nut.
The act was bad enough in itself, but the delay caused her to miss lunch as well. It would have been futile to try to sit in class with an empty stomach so she went home.
“Again?” Tywanna complained coming home to find yet another man humping Kathy’s face. She turned on her heels quickly leaving her mother gagging on a stranger.
She ended up in her school away from school. The small town’s small library taught her more than all of her teachers had combined. This is where she could be Cameisha the diva. She surfed, chatted and studied until the hunger pains could no longer be ignored. Luckily this was farm country, so food was plentiful. All she had to do was go pick some.
Chapter 5
The next day at school Big Bessie had virtually ignored Tywanna. When she didn’t fight back she assumed she had conquered her and she moved on to the next victim. She had a jar of her foul brew fermenting at home for whoever else decided to say no to her.
No one did, most offered their food to her if she so much as glanced in their direction. Quite a few viewed Tywanna as a hero for standing up to the bully but their hopes died the day she didn’t respond.
After an uneventful day at school Tywanna decided to stop by the local farms to collect her dinner. The lessons her grandmother had taught her prevented her from taking more than what she needed.
Now a vet, she knew what rows contained which vegetables. After gathering her dinner it was off to the pecan groves. A pocket full of nuts came in handy to chase back hunger.
When Tywanna ducked into a row of shady pecan trees, she heard the familiar sounds of sex wafting through the air. Curious and nosey, she crept forward to investigate.
“Take that, take that!” Maurice yelled, as he pounded a large female on all fours. The sounds of their skin slapping together echoed into the country air.
Tywanna couldn’t see who the girl was so she quietly walked around to get a better view. She was shocked to see Big Bessie foraging for pecans while Maurice pumped for dear life. They were both trying to get a nut.
Maurice got his first and howled like an Indian in a cowboy movie, and then, he released inside the big girl who barely knew he was back there.
“Ooh wee!” Maurice sighed and tried to slump over on her back but she was ready to go.
“Let me have my money,” she demanded, scrambling to her feet, and pulling her bloomers and jeans up, and on in one motion.
“Here you go gal. Five dollars!” he said, making it sound like more than it was. Five bucks wasn't much but it was plenty for what Bessie wanted.
“I’m finna’ get me a fat-fat burger,” she cheered holding the bill up like the Olympic torch.
A Ms. Anne fat-fat burger was indeed something to cheer about. It contained a half pound patty, deep fried in lard, sausage patties, bacon, ham, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, four kinds of cheese and of course, special sauce.
It was legend in these parts. Poor Tywanna had longed to eat one but its five dollar price tag put it way out of her reach. The girl had yet to have two dollars at the same time, let alone five. The fat-fat burger was her holy grail.
“Meet me down by the creek tomorrow and we can go again,” Maurice suggested as he finished dressing.
“Ok! And I can get me another fat-fat burger!” Bessie said doing the fat-fat dance.
The fact that the bully was gorging on fat-fat burgers while she was scrounging in fields like a rabbit, steamed Tywanna. She resolved to be down to the creek tomorrow too.
The next day, Tywanna watched Big Bessie pull off the same bloomers and jeans as the day before and lay down. Maurice too dropped the same clothes from the day before and took position between her legs.
Bessie played in the clovers and Maurice pounded away at her. He must not have been working with much because the girl hardly knew he was there.
“You like this? Tell me you like this!” He demanded as he thrust.
“Mm… hmm..I like it,” Bessie replied dryly. She was actually talking about the rare four leaf clover she’d found. She held it up for inspection as he stroked away.
Maurice took two hard thrusts and grunted loud enough to evacuate all the birds from nearby trees. It also alerted Big Bessie that it was over and time to eat. She pushed the skinny man out of her and rushed to her feet. Using one hand to
pull her clothes up she extended the other to get paid.
“I’ma have to take care of you on payday. I’m tight right now,” he told her empty palm.
“Pay Day? I know you better pay me my money right now!” Bessie said confronting him.
“You better go on now gal! I ain’t one of them kids you be bullying,” he warned, adding a little extra bass to his voice.
“I want my money!” She screamed and shoved him. He shoved her back, and she took a swing at his face. Maurice ducked the slap but her finger nails grazed his face leaving four deep scratches in its wake.
“Oh hell naw!” Maurice whined as he lifted his hand to the missing skin. When he took a look at his bloody fingers his hand closed tightly into fist.
It took a couple of shots to knock the big girl on her big ass. Maurice knew her reputation for beating up men and got in the wind while she was dazed.
Bessie took to her feet, but was still woozy from the beating. One eye was swollen shut as she stumbled towards town. She was not going to make it.
Tywanna saw her chance for revenge and moved in to take it. She picked up a fallen tree limb and ducked behind a pecan tree. When the bully staggered past, she pounced.
The first blow with the branch sent bark flying, as it impacted with Bessie’s head. It staggered the big girl again but didn’t drop her. It was the next blow that knocked her out, and one or all of the next twenty that put her to sleep forever.
All that remained in Tywanna’s hand when she finished was a bloody stump of branch. She knew the girl was dead but still leaned in to have a few words with her.
“Still like throwing pee on people? See where that got you, don’t you?” She teased. “Oh that’s right, dead people can’t talk can they?”
When she finished her chat with the corpse she calmly collected her dinner and happily skipped home. Kathy was obviously attempting to set a record of some sorts, because Tywanna walked in to find yet another man’s dick stuck in her head.
This time she would not be ran off. The days of running her off were down by the creek dead. Instead, she averted her eyes and went to her room to eat.
It took a day for Big Bessie’s big corpse to be found. One more day before the skin under her finger nails and the semen in her body was matched to Maurice.
The sheriff joked that he put on an Oscar worthy performance in his claims of innocence. Of course, no one believed the registered sex offender, not with that much physical evidence.
When the case went to trial months later, it had only taken the jury five minutes to convict him. Actually, one minute. The other four were for coffee. Maurice was sentenced to die in the states death chamber. He was Tywanna’s second body, but he would not be her last.
All the kid’s from school came to Big Bessie’s funeral, making her parents think she was well loved. She wasn’t. People only came to see her in the casket. They wanted to make sure she was dead.
“Bye now,” Tywanna whispered, fighting a smile as she filed past the cheap casket. “We’ll holla.”
Chapter 6
As bad as middle school was, high school was in some ways, worse. Considering that Tywanna had already oncekilled in middle school that was saying a lot. Kids didn’t usually start killing each other until high school, unless you were in Chicago or the South Bronx, that is.
The first problem was puberty. Being malnourished as a child slowed her growth, but one morning, Tywanna woke up ‘fine’. She desperately begged her breasts not to grow and tried to will her hips from spreading, but it was to no avail.
The extremely pretty girl was now a ‘knock out’. Of course, that meant that none of her clothes fit anymore, and Kathy wasn’t too big on school shopping.
“You can wear my clothes. We can share,” Kathy offered at the dilemma.
“No thank you,” Tywanna said politely to the Wilma Flintstone dress. That left only one option and it wasn’t pretty.
“Oh no!” she groaned painfully as she inspected herself in her ‘new’ clothes.
Her new clothes were in fact, her grandmother’s ‘old’ clothes. Even worse, they were old lady clothes. A good washing removed the moth ball smell but nothing could be done about the style. Straight color purple!
If one thing could be said in favor of the style-less dress it would be that it did conceal her shapely figure. While most of Tywanna’s classmates wore as little as they could get away with to show off their bodies, she tried her best to hide hers.
She knew getting teased was inevitable. The best she could hope for was someone showing up looking worse than her. Tywanna came up with a futile plan to wait until the bus was just about at the stop before making an appearance. This was to prevent being a sitting duck and the center of attention while they’d waited.
Tywanna boarded the crowded bus just before it pulled off. At first, it went eerily quiet, and then exploded into laughter.
“What in the world?” the teen bus driver exclaimed at the dated fashions.
“Ooh that’s Mrs. Johnson’s dress! My grandmamma made that!” A girl exclaimed as Tywanna sat down in front of her. For proof, she snatched the collar to show her grandmother’s symbol.
“Get your hands off me!” Tywanna demanded shoving the girl’s hand away. The teasing she could deal with, but there would be no touching. She had been touched enough in her short life. No more.
“Ooh!” The entire bus sang at the push, hoping to instigate a fight.
Anne wasn’t much of a fighter but got caught up in all the pre-fight hype. Add that to the fact that half of the passengers on the bus were her cousins and she’d taken the bait.
“Don’t be pushing my hand,” she yelled and slapped the back of her head.
Some lessons in life are learned harder than others. This was going to be one of the hard ones. The moral of the short, but brutal message was that you do not slap a puncher.
The fight was over before it really began. Tywanna spun around and got on Anne’s ass before her cousins could blink. The bus was completely silent except for the ‘pap-pap’ sound of flurried blows. In an instant, the pretty girl was made ugly. Her entire face was completely covered with knots, lumps and welts.
When Anne finally escaped the onslaught by diving under the bus bench, the girl’s cousins moved in.
Tywanna took a beating, but dished out enough punishment to make the girls think twice about fucking with her again. They deliberately scratched her pretty face and tugged at her good hair.
Luckily for Tywanna applications of cocoa butter along with the generous Mississippi sun healed the scratches completely. In a week she was pretty as ever and the girls teased from a distance. There was no more touching, from the girls any way. In a month’s time she had fought half the school. Some she’d won, some she’d lost. But since even the ones who managed to beat her didn’t want to tangle with her again, you could put those down as a win too.
The old lady clothes regulated the boys to glance at her pretty face then they moved their vision to the half-naked girls. Tywanna was near invisible until gym class, that is.
One word had gotten out about how fine she was in the little school issued shorts and the guys flocked to see firsthand. Since seeing wasn’t enough, some of the more “manish” boys groped and copped feels. Of course, she fought each and every one of them who did. She had a rule: grab a breast get a knot on your head.
Some of the teachers had taken up issues with Tywanna as well because she often corrected their misinformation. She was smart enough to research and verify everything they taught. The information she was able to gather was far better than what was contained in the antiquated books the school refused to update and replace.
School did have two pluses, breakfast and lunch. The steaming bowl of grits, eggs and biscuit filled her grumbling tummy. Lunch was usually peanut butter and jelly, milk and apple sauce. Sometimes it would have to last until breakfast rolled around the next day.
The more fortunate students packed their own lunc
hes. They would heat their fat-fat burgers in the microwave filling the cafeteria with fat-fat aroma. Of course, they had to make a big show of eating a fat-fat burger. Some would do the fat-fat dance before sitting down to eat on it.
Then ‘mmm’ loudly upon the first bite as fat-fat juice ran down their arms. Tywanna could only watch lustfully as kids ate the fabled burger that was beyond her reach. She vowed to one day get one of her own and do the fat-fat dance.
Chapter 7
Tywanna constantly challenging her teachers finally landed her in hot water. They took their claims of her ‘sassing’ them to the principal who called her to the office.
“Gal, you can’t keep mouthing off in class,” he began. “They tell me you getting ‘worser’ by the day!”
“Worser, sir I’m getting worse,” she corrected stifling a smirk.
“Excuse me? You think this is funny?” He barked.
“No sir, just worser ain’t a word. I’m worse,” she laughed. When the principal’s pink face grew beet red she really cracked up.
“You get your ass out of here! You’re suspended. I will be calling your mama!” He yelled rising to his feet and pointing at the door.
The threat to call her mother made Tywanna laugh even harder as she left the office and the school. Unless he had the number to the crack house, he wouldn’t be calling her mother, who wouldn’t care anyway. If it couldn’t be put on the end of her pipe and smoked, Kathy was not interested.
The vacation meant Tywanna could spend her time where she wanted to be anyway. She merely existed in the real world; it was cyber space where she could ‘live’. There she was Cameisha, the popular girl, outgoing, funny and even a little flirty.
There she chatted and gossiped with her friends from all over the world about factors of life she had yet to experience. The library would close long before she got her fill, but she was forced to leave.